What can we say. Does the sun shine on the righteous or what. Weather forecast horrid. But yet again GOLFNUTZ had a great day with NO RAIN regardless of the the forecast. All players from both teams arrived some later than others (Freebe)!!. We playing matchplay against Golfers International Almeria, GolfNutz won the TIN CUP AWARD with a wonderful win 5 and half against 4 and a half. Really close contest against a really enjoyable bunch of people that we met at New Year.
This all came to pass because Mel let out the truth. On New year's celebrations, Foxy went up to Mel (after his wife Rosemary had retired to bed) put her arm around him (tart that she is) and asked if they could meet. He immediately said yes but was surprised when she said "can you bring a team with you". So that was how it all began. Meanwhile Foxy disappears for several weeks and lets Ebagum sort it out. But what a result. Everyone once again really enjoyed their games and a return match will be made later in the year.
Next - celebration - it was Alfie's 3rd birthday. Photo under separate cover. Alfie's dad was on such a high with a number 3 round his neck, that he forgot his partner Ingrid and took his buggy to the 12th tee which was allocated to him and did not give his partner Ingrid any thought. Ingrid had to walk with a really heavy bag for a long way to find her partner. GOLFNUTZ are great - but gentlemen - we are short of obviously. Rooster who maybe has a short term memory problem, walked off to his buggy with the flag. Also forgot to get Foxy her breakfast.
Junior asked Rosemary if he could look at her chest and she immediately obliged. This was of course just to see their logo on their shirts so we knew who we were playing against. He also had to buy G&T's so we were a very happy 4ball.
Arturo was another happy player although he had to put up with BoomBoom. They were playing against the other Wolverhampton supporter and also with the bionic woman from Golfers International. He was a bit disappointed that his bionic knee was now very insignificant. He threatened to show Barbara his xray but Foxy did advice him against it.
Baby and Little legs agreed that Baby played 'not very well' to say the least. Steve however played out of his skin although a friend had to take her stockings off so he could tie his shoe together as the sole had come off. This lady Ellen needed the toilet and asked Baby where it was and he said he did not know although he was standing next to it. Another example of gentlemanship in the GolfNutz.
KingL had a great game and wants his handicap cut. Although he played the best of them all the thanks went to 2Stroke who had a golden ferret and had a birdie on the last hole to win the match. Paul and Bob confessed that the only clubs flying was from Paul!!
Tapas and ZigZag lost their match because Tapas lost concentration in the middle of their game!!
Snitch and Gruff had a bad day and lost to a 87 year old gentleman or that was what I was told!!
Kaiser and Aunt Sally opponents turned up in his sandals, he said, thats ok, but after a few holes his feet were very wet to Kaiser had to take him back to his car to change his shoes. That was their excuse for being late back in the clubhouse. Aunt Sally had the bouncing ball across the water stroke which put her is a good position to play the next ball.
I am not allowed to mention Ebagum and Lady Penelope. You can probably guess why. Freebe arrived late and played with Sandy and Nutcracker only to have their card torn up. Why!! I have no idea!

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